Welcome to the Leadership Toolbox - your one stop shop to career development
The Leadership Toolbox has been established to help you, a student of management in your academic studies and at every stage of your career.
Here you will find bite size and in-depth material on management topics to support your academic and professional development as manager and business leader.
The topics are clustered under the the themes that cover personal development, management capabilities and how to cope and hopefully thrive in the work environment.
More posts or blogs are being added on a regular basis.
We hope you find this a useful resource to support your development as a student and worker.
Register with us and follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to keep up to date.
We provide a range of one 2 one academic and career support services
Whether you are an undergraduate or post graduate studying management or need guidance in your career development, from intern to business leader we can help you.
See the flow chart below and sign up for a free Who are you? diagnostic assessment of your capabilities and needs.
Whether is is academic or career advice, we can help, contact us for an initial conversation to assess your needs.
Then have a look at the options set out above, pick a service, look at the details and sign up.
Or, just use the Get in Touch link below.

Using this Site
For the student we have a wealth of support materials
Five minutes on…
We provide open access to a series of short summaries under the heading ‘Five minutes on.’
They are short, hopefully sharp, summaries providing a subject overview/introduction.
They may not answer all your questions but we hope you will find them helpful, provocative, stimulating and informative.
Learning units
If you want to know more and have a couple of hours to invest, you will find the “take a deeper dive” learning units very useful.
They include the latest thinking from academics and writers on management.
Most of them are about 25 pages in length.
One learning unit from each theme is free.
For the rest we charge a small fee to cover the costs of managing this site.
For the graduate and early career professional we offer a range of coaching services to build a successful career in the global market
We can support in your personal and professional life to improve your confidence and overcome challenges
Working for and coping with for a western company, even if based in China, requires an understanding of western work practices and organisational culture. Thriving in a post requires a health mental balance with resilience and coping strategies. It is not just about surviving; it’s about embracing and growing in your new role. See more here…
Getting in and getting on – career development support
We can give you the dedicated time from senior experienced business managers and mentors to guide you through the process of maximizing your potential to get in and then get on. Mentoring is a partnership with someone who understands the issues you face and can offer support, advice, information and direct you to new opportunities. See more here…
Do you need help with your academic studies? Don’t struggle on alone, we can support you.
If you are studying general management we can support your work. Post-graduate work can be a very lonely experience, more so under the current circumstances of remote learning. We provide a bespoke academic tutoring service where you can get independent, dedicated support from a team of tutors with experience of working with students drawn from many cultures and countries. See more here…