1 Sep 2023 | Blog, Managing Yourself
How to stop email (and social media) controlling your day Email is a lot like Schrödinger’s cat. Both are dead and alive at the same time. Mathias Röckel There are over 4,371 billion email users. This figure is predicted to reach 4,730 billion by 2026 which is...
30 Aug 2023 | Blog, Developing the Business
A project is a unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits. A project is usually deemed to be a success if it achieves the objectives according to their acceptance criteria,...
28 Aug 2023 | Corporate & Social Responsibility
‘What needs to emerge, and in some circles is emerging, is what I call a mutual, or reciprocal, economy that focuses on the needs of both the individual and the collective…define a more integral and profitable reason for existence. By doing so, business leaders can...
14 Apr 2021 | Leading Teams, Managing Change, Managing Yourself
Influencing or influencer Do you influence or are you an influencer? In 1936 Dale Carnegie wrote the quintessential self-help book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Maybe he knew that in the soon to be airport bookshop managers, old and new, would be...
19 Mar 2021 | Managing Yourself, Operational Essentials, Personal and professional development
Writing skills … message received and understood? Don’t let the medium be the message! Writing is one way to get your message across. But how to make sure that the message your readers / your audience receive is the same as the one you sent? To ensure your writing is...