Manage your email, don’t let it manage you
How to stop email (and social media) controlling your day Email is a lot like Schrödinger’s cat. Both are dead and alive at the same time. Mathias Röckel There are over 4,371 billion email users. This figure is predicted to reach 4,730 billion by 2026 which is...
Managing projects
A project is a unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits. A project is usually deemed to be a success if it achieves the objectives according to their acceptance criteria,...
Mentoring, not coaching
"The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves." Steven Spielberg Ever find yourself wishing for a shoulder, a sounding board, a source of advice, someone who’ll...
A self assessment reflection of your career
Sometimes you need to take a step back and reflect on your career to date. Whatever stage of work life you have reached, if there every was a time to think about what is important, in this period of possible post pandemic restart, it is now. Many career review systems...
Influence or influencer?
Do you influence or are you an influencer? In 1936 Dale Carnegie wrote the quintessential self-help book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Maybe he knew that in the soon to be airport bookshop, managers old and new, would be frantically looking for the solution...
Do a 1000 words paint a verbal picture?
Writing skills … message received and understood? Don’t let the medium be the message! Writing is one way to get your message across. But how to make sure that the message your readers / your audience receive is the same as the one you sent? You may write or have...
It’s not a dirty word. The business of backscratching? Or the art of developing relationships – the ultimate relationship marketing? Networking requires a subtle knack Networking has three stages: An initial meeting (or handoff). Establishing rapport and finding...
Help your organisation in its progress to diversity and inclusion compliance – take this very quick pulse test of your organisation’s D&I status.
Take this 5 minute pulse test of your organisation’s D&I status. This questionnaire is based on a diversity and inclusion development framework. It enables you to rate your organisation’s performance against a set of 15 attributes. It will help your organisation in its progress to diversity and inclusion compliance. You will get a score of your organisation’s rating by return.
Group non-managerial supervision, a guest blog from Jonathan Block
In several professions, we do not ‘look after’ our most valuable, and dare I say expensive, human resource. Senior leaders under tremendous pressure are left to cope on their own. Some can. Some can but at a great expense to themselves and maybe colleagues with whom...
How do you handle conflict at work?
There are many reasons why conflict occurs at work and what boils over into an actual stand up argument may just be a symptom not the cause. Whilst individual differences can be a profound source of friction and discontent – much must be down to poor leadership and management. Approaches to understanding and managing conflict have many dependencies; personal, social, organisational, cultural and national. But there are some universal aspects that underpin these individual differences.