Sometimes you need to take a step back and reflect on your career to date.

Whatever stage of work life you have reached, if there every was a time to think about what is important, in this period of possible post pandemic restart, it is now.

Many career review systems ask you to think how good (or bad) you are about a number of activities. We are not a bundle of functions or even a portfolio of skills. We are greater than the sum of the parts.

This on-line self-assessment is not about functional skills but how you feel about your work environment and what motivates you to do ‘good work’.

For example, are you motivated by income? Or, by an internal driver to be creative?
Extrinsically motivated or intrinsically motivated?

So why not review your values and click here…?

Do you see yourself as an artisan, a professional or an entrepreneur?

Review you career to date to reflect on your career status and aspirations. This tool provide an audit of where, you, the individual feel you have positioned your career trajectory to date.

Looking ahead

The audit can form the basis of a coaching conversation, with your career advisor, your mentor, or even your line manager to help you plan your strategy for your first job or the next one.

Then you can consider the set of skills you need to support your aspirations.

There is no point rating your existing skills, strengths and weaknesses until you consider the underlying drivers of personal, employment and environmental attributes that shape your motivation.

So, take a step back and review you career to date… click here