Operational Essentials

There are many business and organisational activities that don’t fit in a neat category. In many cases the technique, tool or analysis my be applied across many operational activities. So here you will find a range of tools and techniques to support your work and study.

5 Minutes on…

Operational Essentials

If you only have 5 minutes, don’t look any further, look at these soundbites. They are short sharp summaries (typically 2 pages) providing a subject overview/introduction. They may not answer all your questions but you will find them helpful, provocative, stimulating and informative.

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Traditionally, in divisional organisations, the prerogative of entrepreneurship rests with top managers. It is their job to allocate resources; those on the front line are implementers. The divisional structure has also proved ideal for refining the management of...

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Benchmarking – a Load of Old Cobblers?

Some might say it is a load of old cobblers and how true, given that it was this trade that used a bench to mark out the shape of the customer’s foot. However, benchmarking can be a structured, analytical, logical process of measuring a company’s products/processes/service against accepted ‘best practice’.

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Action Learning

It's teamwork Jim, but not as you know it... don’t just sit there – learn something Action learning is an educational process whereby people work and learn together by tackling real issues and reflecting on their actions. Learners acquire knowledge through actual...

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Creative Sparring

Creative sparring provides a tool to observe and feedback on one 2 one sessions by an independent observer. It is about being a critical friend not an adversary. The technique asks you (the supporter) to draw out from the ‘creative’ where they are going with the idea.

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We know the hype, management gurus dish it up daily. Ever shorter shelf lives, fickle consumers, and copycat competitors mean that to stay in front long-term needs innovation now. So, what is involved in innovation, and does your organisation have what it...

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Cognitive Diversity

Say the word ‘diversity’ to many managers or their employees and most will think of equality of opportunity for disadvantaged groups. Primarily for women, or ethnic minorities, or those with a disability. Few will think that you are talking about cognitive...

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Learning modules

If you have an hour or more to invest, you will find the Learning Modules very useful. They are a deeper dive into the 5 minutes on topics. 

The content is drawn from leading writers on management and other good source material. Most of them are about 15 -25 pages in length.

Learning modules available to purchase

Access a deeper dive into these topics for £5 each

Click here to purchase the learning module on Problem solving

Available on request:-
Time management
Creativity & innovation
Cognitive diversity
Workforce Learning & Development maturity
Workforce Equality & Diversity maturity

Coaching support study unit

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management studies

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