It takes the following form:-
Listening: +ve -ve Supporting: +ve -ve
Mark the graph once for each comment by the sparring partner.
Base your scoring on your impression of the impact / perception of the recipient, rather than the intention of the sparring partner.
Score 0 for neutral comments
Score + 1 or – 1 for each simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and +2 or -2 for a simple statement of fact
Score up to +5 or -5 for high impact statements and note then down below the grid
+ve simple encouragement like ‘yes’ or ‘I Iike that’
Helpful comments like ‘it might appeal to children too..’
-ve criticism without being constructive e.g. ‘it will be expensive or it won’t sell’
+ve Encouragement like ‘tell me more’
Helpful open questions like ‘what would you make it from’
-ve controlling statements e.g. ‘I think my idea is better…’
Here is a Word template for scoring…