Operational Essentials
5 Minutes on…
Operational Essentials
If you only have 5 minutes, don’t look any further, look at these soundbites. They are short sharp summaries (typically 2 pages) providing a subject overview/introduction. They may not answer all your questions but you will find them helpful, provocative, stimulating and informative.
Writing skills
Writing skills … message received and understood? Don’t let the medium be the message! Writing is one way to get your message across. But how to make sure that the message your readers / your audience receive is the same as the one you sent? To ensure your writing is...
Academic support in Higher Education: one-2-one personal tutor
Do you need help with your studies? If you are studying management at the post-graduate level we can support you. Post-graduate work can be a very lonely experience, more so under the current circumstances of remote learning. We provide a bespoke academic tutoring service where you can get independent, dedicated support from a team of tutors with experience of working with students drawn from many cultures and countries.
Don’t struggle on alone, we can support you.
Career development support, how to get in and get on
The team at the Leadership Toolbox can help you plan your future career
Working for an international company, wherever it is based, often requires an understanding of western work practices and organisational culture. Getting the job starts with getting an interview and getting an interview means getting the attention of the recruiter.
Personal and professional support – improve your confidence, overcome challenges – ensure a bright future
Developing your future in a challenging world needs a strategy, a mind set and a plan. Working for and coping with for a western company, even if based in China, requires an understanding of western work practices and organisational culture. Thriving in a post...
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is all about treating people fairly and ensuring they have equality of opportunity (EO). In the UK in 2010 this was enshrined in law and is aligned to legislation across the European Union. The principles are universal and within...
Trust seems to be fundamental to much that a leader and manager does. Individual to individual or as groups we must understand the concept of trust. Trust also impacts on your personal life; a facet of your personality.
The Balanced Scorecard
Say goodbye to seat-of-the-pants performance: in their search for the Holy Grail of performance measurement, more and more companies are switching on to the model for measurement called the ‘balanced scorecard’. The Institute of Management Accountants found that...
The Learning Organisation
Learning organisations are… organisations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually...
Measuring Your Engagement With Your Staff – the PeopleMax Index
The PeopleMAX index provides a self-evaluation framework by which you can rate your performance against a set of 22 attributes. Each attribute has four levels of performance that might describe your organisation, from No provision through Base and Medium up to High provision. The index is applicable across all sectors and is independent of company size
Time Management
Time management is not about making lists, even if you categorise them. It is the process of organising, planning and prioritising how you allocate your time between specific activities. It is personal project management.
Learning modules
If you have an hour or more to invest, you will find the Learning Modules very useful. They are a deeper dive into the 5 minutes on topics.
The content is drawn from leading writers on management and other good source material. Most of them are about 15 -25 pages in length.
Free sample study module
Click here to register and receive a free learning module on Action learning
Learning modules available to purchase
Access a deeper dive into these topics for £5 each
Click here to purchase the learning module on Problem solving
Available on request:-
Time management
Creativity & innovation
Cognitive diversity
Workforce Learning & Development maturity
Workforce Equality & Diversity maturity
Coaching support study unit
We can support your
management studies
If you are studying general management or media management in particular we can support your work.
Watch this short video that tells you more
Then, contact us to discuss your learning need. Here...
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