Mentoring, not coaching

Mentoring, not coaching

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” Steven Spielberg     Ever find yourself wishing for a shoulder, a sounding board, a source of advice,...
Influence or influencer?

Influence or influencer?

Do you influence or are you an influencer? In 1936 Dale Carnegie wrote the quintessential self-help book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Maybe he knew that in the soon to be airport bookshop, managers old and new, would be frantically looking for the solution...
Do a 1000 words paint a verbal picture?

Do a 1000 words paint a verbal picture?

Writing skills … message received and understood? Don’t let the medium be the message! Writing is one way to get your message across.  But how to make sure that the message your readers / your audience receive is the same as the one you sent? You may write or have...


It’s not a dirty word. The business of backscratching? Or the art of developing relationships – the ultimate relationship marketing? Networking requires a subtle knack Networking has three stages: An initial meeting (or handoff). Establishing rapport and finding...