21 May 2021 | Blog, Managing Yourself, Personal and professional development
Sometimes you need to take a step back and reflect on your career to date. Whatever stage of work life you have reached, if there every was a time to think about what is important, in this period of possible post pandemic restart, it is now. Many career review systems...
19 Mar 2021 | Managing Yourself, Operational Essentials, Personal and professional development
Writing skills … message received and understood? Don’t let the medium be the message! Writing is one way to get your message across. But how to make sure that the message your readers / your audience receive is the same as the one you sent? To ensure your writing is...
26 Feb 2021 | Operational Essentials, Personal and professional development
Do you need help with your studies? Don’t struggle on alone, we can support you. If you are studying management at the post-graduate level we can support you. Post-graduate work can be a very lonely experience, more so under the current circumstances of remote...
21 Feb 2021 | Leading Teams, Managing Yourself, Personal and professional development
‘a collaborative space of support, self-discovery and professional development…’ Peter Hawkins (2012) In several professions, we do not ‘look after’ our most valuable, and dare I say expensive, human resource. Senior leaders under tremendous...
19 Feb 2021 | Operational Essentials, Personal and professional development
Developing a successful career in the competitive global market needs a strategy and a plan. Can you answer these questions:- Where do I want to work? How will I get there? What skills do I need (in addition to my qualifications)? Who will help me? The team at the...
22 Jan 2021 | Operational Essentials, Personal and professional development
Developing your future in a challenging world needs a strategy, a mind set and a plan. Working for and coping with for a western company, even if based in China, requires an understanding of western work practices and organisational culture. Thriving in a post...