
Category: Operational Essentials

The Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard

Say goodbye to seat-of-the-pants performance: in their search for the Holy Grail of performance measurement, more and more companies are switching on to the model for measurement called the ‘balanced scorecard’. The Institute of Management Accountants found that 64%...
The Balanced Scorecard

Time Management

Time management is not about making lists, even if you categorise them. It is the process of organising, planning and prioritising how you allocate your time between specific activities. It is personal project management. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to...
The Balanced Scorecard

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Traditionally, in divisional organisations, the prerogative of entrepreneurship rests with top managers. It is their job to allocate resources; those on the front line are implementers. The divisional structure has also proved ideal for refining the management of...